GFCCC is a "Deed Restricted Community"

January Health Article 2025
Happy Healthy New Year! “Thriving in 2025”, that is my personal plea to our community. 2025 is here and if you have not done so yet, make a personal plea to take care of you. New Year’s resolutions can change as the days go by, but do not forget to keep a constant reminder to take care of you. Thrive to make the change that make you stronger and better.
Most people make resolutions for varied reasons. Let us band together and make personal goals for our lives will affect the lives of those around us. Making a personal goal to take care of you, is a goal that will help you thrive and become a better person, hence a better community.
Let us take a moment to look at what the word thrive means. According to the dictionary, thrive means to prosper, flourish, grow vigorously, develop well, bloom, etc. These are all action verbs and that means that you are required to do something.
If you simply choose to thrive in your health, finances, personal relationships, it will require that you do something that is attainable for you. To thrive can be simple or it can be complex. Therefore, making a first move to make a change can be simple and at the same time it can be complex. Choose to thrive for you and when you thrive, you can encourage those around you to thrive.
Let us make it a personal goal to thrive to be the best person we can be for ourselves, our families, our friends, and our community. If you have not noticed I continue to reference “Let us.” When we work together we can thrive together.
Felicia Ivory, RN, BSN, MSN