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June Health Article 2023
June is Men’s Health Month.
Health care organizations have been creating events to help bring awareness to health care issues related to men’s health.
Although the month of June one of the twelve months targeted at bringing awareness to men’s health, there should be a push from family and friends to encourage men to get regular health check-ups.
Resources show that men live sicker and die younger. To create awareness to the health care issues related to men’s health, Wear BLUE created by Men’s Health Network to raise awareness about the importance of male health and to encourage men to live longer and healthier lives.
According to men’s health, Men’s health awareness can mean different things. It means raising awareness of making healthy lifestyle choices, making regular annual visits to the doctor, receiving education on heart disease or diabetes, starting general health conversations with their male friends, and much more. Wear Blue is an informational tool that has information, tools, and resources that help men gain awareness to health care issues that affect men’s health. Wear Blue is an event that helps bring awareness to men’s health by wearing blue in the environments where you live, work, play, and pray.
Wear BLUE’s sponsor is Men’s Health Network. Men’s Health Network is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to reach men and their families with health awareness messages where they live, work, pray, and play.
June 16, 2023 has been designated as Wear Blue Day and as a tool to bring awareness to men’s health issues, individuals and groups can choose any day of the month or year to wear blue to remind men that their health matters and you support organizations that promote healthy lifestyles for men.
Husbands, Fathers, Brothers, Uncles, Partners, Friends, Co-Workers, Sons.
They are the reasons we Wear Blue.